<$BlogRSDURL$> The Truth About David
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The Truth About David
Friday, April 28

Hello Sunny, let's lift your veil

Pee-a-boo I see you.

And for fucking hell you see me too. Like everyday. Yet...Who are you? Such a vexing question inside this crazy fun ball we call the internet. But it is, after all, the great curtain we often seek to peer behind. I am a man with a great many secrets large and small. There is an understanding of privacy that I give away using this device.

But god dammed if it doesn't get my goat to know that there are lurkers here.

Funny thing is: I haven't written anything in a long, long time. Yet there you are; a brave few still passing by to peruse this self-involved crap. Guess we're all bored, eh?

Well I just want to say that it's cool. It's OK if you kick back and read, without input or manifest of desires. Why divulge identity without cause? Maybe one day you'll say "hi" but until then...
...I got stories. I have pain and joy and recollection galore.

Hope you enjoy it Sunny.

thrown together by
David Lee I Be around 12:58 PM
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