The Truth About David |
Thursday, June 8
She stares at me all day long. The dog sleeps and stares and takes poops. This is her lifestyle. It makes me wonder because she is sacred of me yet is always very close to me wherever I go. She even comes right back o my side after greeting the gf when she comes home from work. But it's the staring that weirds me out. "I don't speak dog" I tell her everyday. If I did I would be on TV and win Westminster by giving clear commands in funny colored outfit. I would tour shelters and sooth uneasy minds. Mainly, I would tell you to stop staring at me because it's annoying and rude. I do have much bigger issues then this but I had to put it out there... | |
What is this?
Getting fondled by the hand of fate but still not pressing charges Who I be
Just a man, trapped in Yonkers and seeking understaning. Recent Rumblings
Nameless Free form The Pill Parade 5am-again Running out of words She stares The word it was Hello Sunny, let's lift your veil This empty/Full of nothing Helllroe! GoHere: