The Truth About David |
Thursday, February 10
I've been reading a lot of blogs lately. There is this thing I do with reading the latest post and then the first three posts ever written on new blog. It helps me get a tiny window into what the person's blog is about. What they are about. This has helped me, in regards to my writer's block. It's made me see that I'm just trying too hard to 'come up' with things to post about. Making a big deal about not making a big deal of things. You jive? So what I really need to do is get back to what made this project readable: perception. I looked into places and reviewed internal spots usually left dark. I pondered and I aired out ideas, theories and feelings. It meant something. The truth is:I can do better. Much more so, in fact. So I will. | Monday, February 7
If not, then the writer definitely is. I cannot begin to describe the feeling of staring at my blog wondering where all my inspiration went. I mean, I vaguely remember my old blog and all posts that resided there, but this does not help me. Nothing really helps me write. I cruise around the net and come back here, stare, and then cruise. Rinse and repeat. It's not like I was the greatest writer on the net to begin with but I didn't suck. There was some creativity to my shit, some spark. I feel like I'm typing under water on most days. Very sad-ass. Very get over myself-ish. I'm glad, at this point, none of my once regular readers are here to read this muck. THAT would really upset me. | |
What is this?
Getting fondled by the hand of fate but still not pressing charges Who I be
Just a man, trapped in Yonkers and seeking understaning. Recent Rumblings
Nameless Free form The Pill Parade 5am-again Running out of words She stares The word it was Hello Sunny, let's lift your veil This empty/Full of nothing Helllroe! GoHere: