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The Truth About David
Friday, August 12

We be chillin


I got a dog a week ago. She is a dachshund, we named her Chilly. Why, you may ask? Well it's because the beast likes to relax, hang out, kick back, you know: just chill ann'shit.

Fucking dog may have ring worm.

I dropped a lot of coin for the pure breed experience and if she is 'defective' I am going to go back to the breeder's store and kick some ass. And I assure you my sweet bloglings, I never let people cheat me and walk right again.

We Capricorns are mean bunch when it comes to out money.

And a more happy note-she is the cutest thing ever. She is learning her name and how to maintain her health by not pooping on Dave's off-white carpet. She rarely barks and does not bite. Chilly enjoys chewing on her bone and chasing her ball, which I think is a cat toy but is fun never the less.

My vet bill was $178!

I now want to go into animal medicine.

More latter...

thrown together by
David Lee I Be around 3:49 PM
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Monday, August 8

Hello there


I used to write a bunch of crap here. Back when I first started, a little more then a year ago. Life, as it was, imbued to me a sense of dullness. A round stump upon which I laid my observations in search of something to be happy about.

Or angry, or sad, or anything you are supposed to feel when you're a whole person.

But things twist and turn around like bad bonds at 4:25pm. I've never learned to calm just for the sake of it. I've never rested since the little boy left too many years ago. Stalwart and bitter I wait for the storm that always threatens my once azure skies.

And it comes and I'm ready-I find a way to get by. (As far as getting by goes).

But lately I can't write like back then. I have more things going on now. More sights to see and say as such. But something is...off. Not sure what it is. Things should be easy. But then again that's never true, now is it? It seems despite all there is to speak of my brain has a mind to go mute.

I got two turntables but no microphone.

I'm working on it.

Thank you, my small & faithful readers. Because anyone who has a public (non-password protected) blog that tells you they "don't care who reads my blog" is full of shit.

thrown together by
David Lee I Be around 12:04 PM
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