<$BlogRSDURL$> The Truth About David
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The Truth About David
Tuesday, June 13

Running out of words

Who would have thought?

Certainly not me. I have always had something to say, although often never said it. That's why this blog is here. But now I feel drained, tired and empty. Or on empty. Sometimes I just look at the keyboard and feel dismay. I think I know why but I can't say. Not now.

Not just now.

For the time being I'll whisper in the dark to these granite filled fingers until something comes out. By then, I suspect, I will have no readers and be back to day one. A little blog drowned in a sea of other people's words.

Maybe by then I'll have some of my won.

The truth is: sometimes a long break leads to new inspiration. Sometimes it doesn't. The thing is: you can't force it.

thrown together by
David Lee I Be around 1:18 PM
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